I know a lot of you guys have been waiting for the 6MT Launch Control feature on our B-Spec Tune after we posted the teaser video a few weeks back. Well, it’s finally here! You can now choose from four different options to set your RPM limiter for stand-still launch.

We have tested our solution extensively and glad to report there are no issues that affect drivability when compared to other Launch Control programs on the market.

So how does Launch Control work?

Once the Launch Control tune is flashed on your vehicle, the LC feature is activated once the wheel speed sensors are at 0 MPH. So basically, whenever your car is immobile, you can clutch in and throttle to the floor to activate the LC. Our LC does not take clutch switch settings into consideration, so if you have modified your clutch switch you can still use our LC. You can choose to set your LC to 4 RPM settings:

  • 2,500 RPM (Recommended Launch Setting)
  • 2,800 RPM
  • 3,100 RPM
  • 3,500 RPM (Moving Burnout Mode)

Okay, so what is this Burnout Mode? For those that just want to “dump” the clutch and make the wheels spin while inching forward, you can maximize the LC RPM.

Will it hurt my drivetrain?

If you do it wrong, yes. A lot of people will “dump” the clutch or let go of the clutch pedal instantly and that is also the carried assumption whenever “launch control” is discussed. This technique can be effective, but this needs to be paired with the right suspension/tire setup. Not only that, you’ll need a built drive train. For most people, simply dropping the clutch can not only be the slower technique, but the most harmful to your driveshaft especially on the E46 M3 with a weak subframe. It is far better to burn the clutch rather than shock the driveshaft. Instead what we recommend is to feather the clutch release so the 100% press to 0% press takes place in 1-2 seconds.

How do I get the best launch?

If your car hesitates on launch, you can fix one of two things: 1, feather or release the pedal slower or 2, raise the Launch Control RPM. Alternatively, you can try turning off traction control if it activates and also lower the RPM to reduce wheel spin. Note that raising the RPM may wear out your clutch faster. If you start to smell that nasty clutch smell, give your car a break. You just gotta get a good feel of the release technique and practice will only help you get better. If you have M-Track mode, please enable that when launching.

Can I get it?

Because SMGs already have this feature from the factory, the Launch Control add-on is available for 6MT only. If you purchase the B-Spec Tune for your E46 M3, you can add this feature on the order form. Please note by enabling Launch Control, the ability to enable Dyno Mode is restricted.

For all new customers, please order the B-Spec Tune on our page. For all existing customers who would like to update their tune with Launch Control, please email us at info@thebuildjournal.com with your first/last name and your desired Launch Control RPM.

Future Research and Developments?

For those with the older MK20 units, we are testing out a performance recalibration tune for the MK20 DSC unit. This feature should help with Launch Control with MK20 Performance Traction Control and making the MK20 less sensitive with aggressive wheel/suspension setups. We are also working on ignition based rev limiter cutoff to aid with no lift shifting.


  • Launch Control RPM Limiter (6MT only)
  • Ability to raised Idle RPM for NVH or E85 (6MT+SMG)
  • Ability to select redline rev limiter rpm (8,000-8,200)

In Beta Testing:

  • E85 Flex Fuel Kit compatibility with tune
  • B-Spec Performance Traction Control for Non M-Track (MK20 Only –  Usually 2001-2003)
    • Torque Intervention Reduction
    • Minimum Torque Intervention

In Research & Development:

  • Flat Foot Shifting (6MT+SMG)
    • Fuel Based Cutoff
    • Ignition Based Cutoff (Allows for Flat Foot Shifting)
    • Ignition/ 2 Stage Fuel Cutoff (Default)

[tg_youtube width=”1920″ height=”1080″ video_id=”UvVgRXUgHVs”]

Buildjournal Tuning Labs products are for off-road use only. Improving the performance of an engine by altering the engine’s computer software may cause excessive “wear and tear” to the engine and could result in damage or even destruction of the vehicle. The user assumes these risks. Buildjournal is not responsible for damage to a vehicle of this kind. Please read our Terms of Service for more information.

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